Community Public Health Initiatives: Nurturing Tomorrow’s Healthcare Professionals

"On the morning of Wednesday, February 28, 2024, an enlightening and formative event was hosted by the Community Public Health department, marking a significant step towards nurturing the future of public health professionals. This exchange and orientation activity, titled ""The Role of Public Health Professionals in Preliminary Disease Assessment and Treatment,"" was meticulously organized for third-year Community Public Health students. The event aimed to prepare these aspiring professionals before they embark on their practical training in preliminary disease assessment and treatment at hospitals and health-promoting hospitals in local communities. The department had the honor of welcoming officers from various hospitals that serve as practical training sites for the Faculty of Public Health Sciences. These professionals shared their invaluable knowledge and insights, offering guidance for the practical training sessions ahead. Their participation not only enriched the learning experience for the students but also strengthened the bond between academic institutions and healthcare facilities, ensuring a collaborative effort in shaping the next generation of public health practitioners. A highlight of the event was the distribution of training and evaluation manuals to the heads of departments and mentoring officers at the training sites. These manuals are designed to standardize the training process, ensuring that students not only gain the necessary practical skills but are also assessed on a uniform criterion that reflects the high standards expected of future public health officials. This initiative is a testament to the commitment of the Community Public Health department in providing a comprehensive education that bridges theoretical knowledge with practical experience. By simulating real-world challenges and fostering a hands-on learning environment, the program aims to equip students with the skills and confidence required to excel in the field of public health. As these students prepare to embark on their practical training, they carry with them not just the knowledge imparted by their educators, but also the responsibility of contributing to the health and well-being of communities. This event marks the beginning of a crucial phase in their education, one that will shape them into competent and compassionate public health professionals ready to tackle the challenges of the future. The collaboration between academic institutions and healthcare facilities in such endeavors is pivotal for the advancement of public health education and practice. It ensures that the new wave of public health professionals is well-prepared to meet the evolving needs of society, making a tangible difference in the lives of individuals and communities alike."

สาขาวิชาสา'สุขชุมชน จัดปฐมนิเทศ "บทบาทนักสาธารณสุขในการปฏิบัติการตรวจประเมินและบำบัดโรคเบื้องต้น"
สาขาวิชาสา'สุขชุมชน จัดปฐมนิเทศ "บทบาทนักสาธารณสุขในการปฏิบัติการตรวจประเมินและบำบัดโรคเบื้องต้น"
สาขาวิชาสา'สุขชุมชน จัดปฐมนิเทศ "บทบาทนักสาธารณสุขในการปฏิบัติการตรวจประเมินและบำบัดโรคเบื้องต้น"